Clothes For Charity


Don’t throw away your unwanted items.

We can collect them from your home for free. We will save time for you with your life saving clothes.

VTSUK has supported and donated the clothes locally to charity organisations and to the needy. So we are sincerely using it for the good causes.

What we accept:

  • Clothes (womenswear, menswear and kidswear)
  • Paired shoes
  • Linen, bedding, towels, curtains
  • Accessories (bags, belts, hats, scarves etc)
  • Books, DVDs, CDs
  • Soft toys

Explore what you can do today

Food Donation Drive

Join us to reduce the food insecurity issue and donate for other basic needs of life cloth, shelter, good health etc.  Let’s all join together to make a happy society.

> Find out how to get into action

Fight Against Cancer

359960 cancer cases in UK and 38% are preventable. It’s just that we need you and your time to spread the awareness and be the reason for someone’s happiness.

> Find out more about involving

Blood Donation Drive

Anyone can give blood. VTSUK team up with other interested individuals for donating blood. If you are interested in donating the blood please register your interest.

> More information about our drives

Collect Food Bank Needs

Let us know the food bank near you or known to you and their food needs. We will let others know and try to raise the required food for them.

> Click here to get in touch with us


Join our groups in your area, drive a car, help in setting up camp, or cooking at old age homes etc. There are many ways which you can offer your time.

> Click here to Register and get alerts

Campaign with us

Join us to reduce the food insecurity issue and donate for other basic needs of life cloth, shelter, good health etc.  Let’s all join together to make a happy society.

> Find out how to get into action


Any penny donation, every action taken, or every challenge you take up will help us to reach our goal of creating a happy and better society.

> find out what you can do

Support for a cause

There are many other causes which we work on. If you want to take up any cause or want to know more about it in in-depth level we will be happy to provide more info.

> Find out how to get into action

Donate Now

Nobody has become poor by donating. Every and any amount of donation makes us happy and we pass on the happiness to many as possible.

> Click here to Donate

What Beneficiaries / Volunteers think about us