Blood Donation Drives


Register today. Become a blood donor.

Anyone can give blood. VTSUK team up with other interested individuals for donating blood. If you are interested in donating the blood please register your interest here. We will donate blood together.

VTSUK takes blood donation as one of the important service to the community. There are lots of advantages in giving the blood. And just imagine when you know you can save a life by just doing a small thing then it’s a big achievement of life. VTSUK encourages all the individuals to donate blood and be healthy.


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> More information about our drives

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> Find out how to get into action

Fight Against Cancer

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Campaign with us

It’s great pleasure if you can join us and be part of this noble cause of donating blood. Please email us at and we will do the promotion together.

> Click here to get to know more details

Donate Now

Any penny donation, every action taken, or every challenge you take up will help us to reach our goal of creating a happy and better society.

> find out what you can do

Support for a cause

You choose what you are interested in donating. We will be more than happy to give you more information about any of our services.

> Find out how to get into action


Join our groups in your area, drive a car, help in setting up camp, or cooking at old age homes etc. There are many ways which you can offer your time.

> Click here to Register and get alerts


There are many other causes which we work on. If you want to take up any cause or want to know more about it in in-depth level we will be happy to provide more info.

> Find out how to get into action

Involve Family & Friends

Family & Friends play a major role in our life. The more people get involved the better society we create. Together, we are always strong.

> Find out more about involving

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